IMPS 2021
Virtual Platform Information
If you are an attendee/presenter, you must access the live event on a Windows or Mac laptop or desktop computer. Otherwise, you will NOT be able to access the live event. Here is a breakdown of minimum technical requirements: Minimum System Requirements. For questions or assistance to trouble-shoot prior to the virtual conference, please see the technical support information page.
On Demand IMPS 2021
Presentations now available for viewing
The on-demand feature in the Ex Ordo system is now open and can be accessed after you log in to your Ex Ordo account ( under the “On Demand” menu. With the virtual setup, a significant part of the conference experience happens before the meeting itself, so we hope you will take time in the next two weeks to view the various presentations that have been uploaded. Please note that the keynote and invited talks will only occur live, so there will not be presentation materials posted for these talks.
Register for IMPS 2021
Registration is now open!
Registration details appear below:
IMPS 2021 will be a virtual conference and registration is now open. Conference sessions will be held July 20 – 23, 2021. Three short courses are offered and will be held on July 19, 2021. Click the following links to find out more details regarding: the schedule, short courses, and keynote/invited speakers.