

The Flagship Journal of the Psychometric Society


Psychometrika is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to fostering psychology as a quantitative rational science by examining statistical methods, discussing mathematical techniques and tools useful to researchers and practitioners, and advancing theory for evaluating behavioral data in psychology, education, and the social and behavioral sciences generally.


Published quarterly since 1936, this creation narrative was published to open a special section of Psychometrika in 2016, celebrating the journal’s 80th birthday. 

A list of “classic” Psychometrika articles can be freely accessed here

Find a list of all past editors here.

beginning 2025

Psychometrika is currently (as of 2025) managed and published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the owner, the Psychometric Society. All information about the journal can be found on the publisher’s website, including:

  • the current editorial board
  • journal metrics
  • instructions for authors (containing the aims and scope)

As can be read about in the aims and scope, the three main sections of Psychometrika are slightly updated since publication with Cambridge University Press in 2025:

  • The Theory & Methods section now accepts submission of focus articles, which are distinct from regular research articles, and will be published alongside commentaries on them and rejoinders.
  • The Book Review Section has been renamed the Review Section to encompass a broader range of topics, including literature reviews (subject to an open access fee), books, software, and media.
  • The Application Reviews and Case Studies (ARCS) section has been renamed Applications and Case Studies (ACS). This section now accepts software development articles as a regular category. While the journal has previously published software-related works, this change formalizes that focus.




A subscription to Psychometrika is one of the benefits of membership.


Reviews Section

Psychometrika accepts manuscripts to review extensive literature, books, software, and media.

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