News & Updates

News & Updates


Get Ready for IMPS 2022!

Many website pages updated in preparation for the conference

Many website pages have been updated and you are encouraged to check the website prior to your departure. A partial list of highlighted updates appears below.

At the top of the main IMPS 2022 page you will find the latest program, schedule at a glance, abstracts, conference map, and travel/health reminders.

The conference registration page contains information on the opening hours of the registration desk.


Secure your IMPS 2022 Hotel Accommodations Today!

Hotels page for IMPS 2022 has been updated

The IMPS 2022 Program Committee has arranged a limited Hotel Congress Booking System link that will allow you to browse and reserve your guest room. The link is currently limited to specific hotels and travel dates, but is available for your use. Please note that new hotels and dates are being added daily to the booking site.

Attendees are not obligated to book through this booking portal. It is offered as a tool that attendees may use to secure a  guest room for IMPS 2022.

Please visit the hotels page for IMPS for more details.


Psychometric Society Webinar Series

Online Calibration Designs and Methods for Multidimensional Computerized Adaptive Testing

Presenters: Ping Chen (Beijing Normal University), Chun Wang (University of Washington)

Computerized adaptive testing (CAT), as the earliest form of instantiation of artificial intelligence in assessment design, has been widely used in the fields of psychological testing, educational evaluation, personnel selection, and medical diagnosis. The continuous implementation and sustainable use of CAT rely heavily on periodical update and replenishment of the item bank.


IMPS 2022 Registration Now Open!

The Psychometric Society is pleased to announce that you are now able to Register for IMPS 2022.

Join the Psychometric Society in-person at the University of Bologna in Bologna, Italy, for its 87th Annual Meeting. The meeting will feature all of the keynote speakers, symposia, oral sessions, poster presentations, and networking events that the IMPS community has come to know and love.


IMPS 2022 Abstract Submission Now Open!

Submission Deadline: February 28, 2022

Abstract submission for IMPS 2022 is now closed. Below contains information from the initial announcement.

The IMPS 2022 Annual Meeting is scheduled to be an in-person meeting. The meeting will feature the keynote speakers, symposia, individual oral sessions, poster presentations, and networking events that the IMPS community has come to know and love.


2021 Newsletter

The 2021 Psychometric Society newsletter is now available.

Includes highlights from the 2021 virtual conference, 2021 awards, updates on elections/governance, information about the 2022 IMPS conference, and more.

Download: Newsletter 2021


Psychometric Society Webinar Series

The Boltzmann Machine in Psychometrics: Implications and Applications

Presenters: Benjamin Deonovic (Corteva), Timo Bechger (Metior Consulting), Gunter Maris (Metior Consulting)

The Boltzmann machine remains an attractive generative model for supervised and unsupervised learning of complex multivariate distributions of binary random variables. Often the observed variables are augmented with unobserved binary variables and a Boltzmann machine is assumed for both together. Popular examples are restricted Boltzmann machines, latent tree models, and deep Boltzmann machines.


Psychometric Society Webinar Series

Bayesian covariance structure modelling for measurement invariance testing

Presenter: Jean-Paul Fox, University of Twente

Bayesian covariance structure modeling (BCSM) is a new approach for modeling clustered data. In this multivariate modeling approach a dependence structure is directly modeled through a structured covariance matrix. The BCSM can be used to model measurement (in)variance, which shows to have many advantages over traditional methods.


Psychometric Society Webinar Series

Computational psychometrics for test development: Combining language and psychometric modeling

Presenters: Yigal Attali, Andrew Runge, Geoff LaFlair, Kevin Yancey & Alina A. von Davier

Moderator: Peter Halpin

Along with the advances in communication and platform technology, it’s become apparent that (quality) content development is at the core of many industries, including the education industry. The development of learning and assessment content has been a craft that has required a high level of expertise, often of the type that was built over the years on the job. In the fast-paced digital education this is difficult to sustain.


Register for IMPS 2021

Registration is now open!

Registration details appear below:

IMPS 2021 will be a virtual conference and registration is now open. Conference sessions will be held July 20 – 23, 2021. Three short courses are offered and will be held on July 19, 2021. Click the following links to find out more details regarding: the schedule, short courses, and keynote/invited speakers.

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Psychometric Society Response to Racism

The society responds to worldwide events surrounding racism and injustice.

In a response to the recent events in the US and elsewhere around the world, the Psychometric Society strongly condemns all forms of racism and racial injustice.

IRS logo

Society Designation Change

The Psychometric Society is now a 501c3 organization!

We are happy to announce that the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has now formally accepted our application to be reclassified as a 501c3 nonprofit organization. One important consequence of this reclassification is that donations to the Psychometric Society are now tax deductible. If at any point you are interested in making a financial contribution to the Psychometric Society please contact any board member or the Psychometric Society main office at


IMPS Proposed Bylaw Change

At the IMPS 2019 meeting of members, we will vote on a bylaw change that allows for future voting by email. Please see here for full detail of the proposed changes.

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