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News & Updates


Register for IMPS 2021

Registration is now open!

Registration details appear below:

IMPS 2021 will be a virtual conference and registration is now open. Conference sessions will be held July 20 – 23, 2021. Three short courses are offered and will be held on July 19, 2021. Click the following links to find out more details regarding: the schedule, short courses, and keynote/invited speakers.

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Psychometric Society Response to Racism

The society responds to worldwide events surrounding racism and injustice.

In a response to the recent events in the US and elsewhere around the world, the Psychometric Society strongly condemns all forms of racism and racial injustice.

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Society Designation Change

The Psychometric Society is now a 501c3 organization!

We are happy to announce that the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has now formally accepted our application to be reclassified as a 501c3 nonprofit organization. One important consequence of this reclassification is that donations to the Psychometric Society are now tax deductible. If at any point you are interested in making a financial contribution to the Psychometric Society please contact any board member or the Psychometric Society main office at


IMPS Proposed Bylaw Change

At the IMPS 2019 meeting of members, we will vote on a bylaw change that allows for future voting by email. Please see here for full detail of the proposed changes.

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