Journal of Intelligence
Student Award
The Journal of Intelligence is sponsoring a $500 cash award and a fee-free opportunity to publish in their journal for the top student presentation covering a content area relevant to their journal. A review committee will evaluate student presentations for this award and select the recipient.
About the Journal of Intelligence
Journal of Intelligence is an international, peer-reviewed Open Access journal on the study of human intelligence. Currently, Journal of Intelligence is indexed in SSCI (Web of Science), Scopus, PubMed, PMC, ERIH Plus, and many other databases.
The journal aims to move forward the study of human intelligence: the basis and development of intelligence, its nature in terms of structure and processes, and its correlates and consequences, also including the measurement and modeling of intelligence. We encourage submissions with the potential to innovate and to show alternative perspectives. Studies on other types of intelligence will be considered as far as they help us understand human intelligence.
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