IMPS 2019 Program Committee


The Program Committee is responsible for the scientific program of the annual meeting of the Psychometric Society. Its duties include inviting speakers, short-course presenters, chairs and organizers of invited sessions, reviewing submitted abstracts and proposals for symposia, designing the program, and providing advice and feedback on the program and abstract books.

According to the bylaws, the president is the chair of the Program Committee and the members are the immediate past president, president-elect, secretary, four regular members, and any number of adjunct members. Two regular members of the Program Committee are appointed by the president every year to serve for two years. In addition, the president may appoint, for a term of up to one year each, any number of adjunct members.


Francis Tuerlinckx, KU Leuven- University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium (


Immediate Past President, President-Elect, and Secretary

Regular Members (2018-2019)

Regular Members (2019-2020)

Adjunct Members (2019)