Call for Presidential Nominations (2026-2027)


Each year, Regular and Student Members of the Psychometric Society elect a new President. This call for nomination allows you to nominate up to five candidates for the position.

The elected President will start his or her term as President-Elect one month after the first annual meeting following the elections and will serve as President for one year, starting one month after the second annual meeting following the elections. He or she will serve on the Executive Committee for three years (as President-Elect, President and immediate Past President).

Presidents can only serve one term. A list of Past Presidents can be found here.

Nominations close September 1, 2024. 

Elections will open on October 2, 2024.

Registered members have been sent emails with a link to a nomination form, but members who cannot locate an email with the link can email for more details. Please submit them in rank order, with your preferred candidate first.

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