Announcement for Publication Editor
Psychometrika is currently looking for Level 1 publication/copy editors. Please contact Dr. Irini Moustaki ( or Dr. Carolyn Anderson ( to express your interest by March 1, 2018. Below please find the job description.
Publication Editor
The publication editor’s main role is to check content and technical aspects of the manuscript. The publication editor ensures that a manuscript is ready for publication and takes steps if a manuscript needs changes.
After a manuscript has been accepted for publication in either the Theory and Methods or ARCS sections of Psychometrika, there are two levels of copyediting that take place. Level 1 copyediting is performed by the publication editor and level 2 by Springer.
Publication editors are notified by Springer when a new accepted paper has arrived in their queue. Manuscripts are ordered based on priority, which is generally a reflection of when a paper was added to the publication editor’s queue.
The publication editor will read the paper and make small edits to
- Improve clarity
- Ensure that equations are correct; however, the final responsibility of correctness remains with the author
- Ensure that subscripts are correct
- Check references to equations are made to correct equations
- Check references to tables and figures are made to correct tables and figures
- Identify symbols with multiple definitions
- Ensure that all symbols are defined
- Look for potential content issues or problems
- Identify any other unforeseen problems with the manuscript
If the edits are minor, then the paper with edits and/or comments is sent back to Springer for the level 2 copyediting. If there are more moderate edits, the publication editor may communicate directly with the author to expedite the copyediting phase. In rare cases where major edits are necessary, the publication editor should write a description of the problem(s) and inform the executive editor of the problem. The executive editor will communicate with the author and notify Springer of a potential delay.
A publication editor is expected to handle about two manuscripts a month on average. The Society might appoint more than one publication editor to cover different areas of research and spread out the volume of work. Compensation per manuscript will be arranged with the Psychometric Society. For details, please contact Dr. Irini Moustaki ( Publication editors are also recognized in every issue of Psychometrika.
Level 2 copyediting by Springer checks and corrects spelling, grammar and punctuation, wording and linguistic style, and scientific and Springer style. Springer Level 2 copy editing inserts headers, marks up text, and checks figure and table formatting. A detailed description of the Level 2 copy editing is available in a separate document.
After all changes and edit are made, Springer sends the author a notice that their paper has been accepted for Publication and proceed with the preparation of the proofs.